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"If you can believe it, nearly 1.5 million tons of waste is produced each year in the manufacture of new footwear, and that number doesn’t take into account the shoes being thrown in the trash."


Waste Not, Want Not.

We all love new shoes, boots, and bags. The smell, the feel, the look!


But sadly, over time, our culture has shifted into more of a “single-use” mentality, where we use our new shoes or boots for a few months, and the moment they show any sign of wear and tear, we ban them to the back of our closets, donate them – or worse – toss them in the garbage.


This has created massive amounts of waste. The leather, the rubber and plastics, the chemicals used in dyeing and processing – even the packaging and shipping – all ends up in the landfill. This is an unnecessary misuse of resources we can (and should!) be recycling and re-using.

What if you could keep those new shoes and boots you love looking like-new for a lifetime?

You can! Your items can be expertly repaired by talented cobblers over and over (and over!) again.


Let’s work together to break this cycle and reach back to the sage philosophy we learned from our depression-era grandparents—waste not, want not.

Cobblers Direct, their partners, and DSW are on a mission to challenge all humans to buy well-made, eco-responsibly manufactured shoes and boots that can be repaired by skilled cobblers and worn for years upon years upon years upon ... you get the idea.


Go ahead and buy those must-have shoes and boots you love, and let our cobblers help you to enjoy them all your life.

We hope you’ll share in our mission and choose repair over waste!

Image by Mert Guller
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